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Amelia E. REMOVE Amelia E.

Amelia E. is a combination of handmade work, traditional craftsmanship and Czech indomitability Brave, ground-breaking and in the final also very mysterious. Such was Amelia Earhart, an American female aviator who flew the Atlantic Ocean in 1928 as the first woman. Flying was fatal for her - she eventually disappeared during the flight and never showed up. It was after her that I named my brand. But I never want to disappear and never let myself know as well as she does. However, her story inspired me. You wonder – how is flying in the last century related to today’s fashion accessories? It isn’t but actually it is. There is strength in femininity. No less today than in the past. And I’m rooting for women who are brave and chasing their dreams. We are all like that. Sometimes we are lost just like Amelia E., but we let ourselves to be found and we continue to fly through the days of modern life. We don’t organize long flights, imagination leads us far as well as desire for self-fulfilment, a job well done and satisfied customers who prefer quality over quantity. It’s not necessary to make products on expensive machinery to be of high quality. A brand does not need a million-dollar budget to resonate with customers. Wise steps will take us the furthest. My range of products is very simple. You can find several types of handbags, belts, wallets and other leather accessories. My products are handmade and tested on me and my close ones.
